There's a lot of pressure to make the right decisions, which usually have to be made in split seconds, and the fate of the whole crew may be hanging in the balance.
You don't get to be captain without having style and swagger.One wrong move or hesitation at the wrong time could mean a watery grave for your ship and everyone on board! You also need a ship, but we're pretty sure it's mostly the swagger. Mens Deluxe Captain Fancy Dress Costume Now you can enjoy shore leave in style in this Deluxe Captain Costume, without ever setting foot on boat!We don't have a ton of experience at the helm of a mighty vessel (unless you count inflatable pool rafts, which we are seasoned pros at commanding), but we bet it's harder than just giving orders while your crew does all the work. The real challenge, though, is keeping stuff from spilling on your fancy uniform, because everyone is going to notice it right away, and that would be really embarrassing for a captain.