Just get yourself a good holster, revolver, and hat, and you'll fit in with the best of them! You just walked into a smokey saloon. The bar is full of dusty ranchers. No modern white tube socks. Girls with feathers in their hair wander between tables. In your element. And there, on your left, the gambling tables.Finally! Among your people. The proper attire of course! You don't want to brag, but you've been practicing smashing stools and home and you think you could handle yourself pretty well.There's just one last thing before you enter this Wild West gambling group. You've been all over this stupid state looking for the best re-enactment town there is. It's time to gamble with the pros. Now show that card table how it's done. You've been training for this forever. This is the place you were meant to be.You can feel it in your bones. So here you are. You were meant for the Old West. What else could possibly explain your desire to ride horses, gamble, and drink at noon? No signs of cell phones. A shirt front and pants, not to mention a satin bow for the neck. A poplin jacket with sewn-in brocade vest. No digital watches peeking out. As far as you can tell, aside from the clear tourists, everyone is in character. Hey! Maybe if you're lucky, there'll be a bar fight! For example, our The Gambler Costume has just the right details. At long last you may have found it!
Costumes > Cowboy > Adult > No Filter > male
The Gambler Costume
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